SK58 BirdersSK58 Birders

Updated: 10 September, 2024
Join Us


email SK58 Birders


© SK58 Birders 2025

est. 1992

website est. 1996

Membership Renewals due in January

SK58 Membership is open to anybody interested in birds at whatever level. An annual subscription to SK58 Birders runs from January to December (was April to April until Covid-19 delayed all events). Below our current subscription rates. At indoor meetings there is an additional charge of £1.00 to cover room hire. Membership entitles entry and attendance to all SK58 meetings (indoor and field) and a vote at the AGM in January.

Do the areas birds interest you?
SK58 Birders is for all those who are interested in birds, their observation, study and conservation and is an opportunity to gain further insights into the birds of the local area.

How To Join
Email us, write to us, telephone us- get in touch via social media. Come along and find out what we're all about. If you like what you see, complete a membership form, pay the subscription and you're all set for the year.

SK58 Birders was set up to share and promote information on local birds and birding issues. This through the recording and submission of records and their publication and evaluation. Latterly we have become involved with conservation issues.

Why join SK58 Birders
Over 200 species of bird have been seen and recorded within the SK58 recording area.
By joining SK58 Birders you can increase your knowledge of the area’s birds and wildlife and support the society in furthering it's aims and goals. SK58 Birders provide people with the opportunity to further their knowledge and interest in local wildlife, specifically birds and local issues, to help you enjoy your birding and increase your knowledge at the same time.

SK58 Birders can also provide you with a chance to meet other local community members and share and compare experience and knowledge. You can also get involved with conservation work with in the area, this is usually the construction of of nest boxes or habitat management.

  • Individual Membership
£15.00 children under 16-FREE
  • Family Membership
£20 covers all at one address
  • Concessionary Membership
£10 retired, unemployed or student


Email Membership Secretary
PDF Membership Form

Membership Information

To join SK58 Birders please email or Tel: 07540994900.

You can transfer directly into our bank account-contact us for our banking details. Simply advise us when the transfer is complete so we can confirm the membership. Or a cheque/ cash or postal order for the subscription, along with your:

  • Name
  • Address, including postcode
  • Telephone number
  • Email if applicable

Constitution of SK58 Birders- adopted 31/01/2001

A group focused on recording the bird life of a single 10km square between Sheffield, Rotherham & Worksop

content & design by Andy Hirst